Another lazy Sunday in the Big Brother 24 house as most of the HGs stayed up overnight to watch the sunrise and nap the day away. But fear not, by the evening we were rolling back into the game talk as HGs were grasping at straws to change the target and shift the path of the final two weeks of Big Brother.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, September 10, 2022 :
7:00 AM BBT – HGs, minus Brittany, are still awake from the night before. They are gathered on the outdoor balcony waiting for sunrise.
7:45 AM BBT – The guys have gone inside leaving Taylor alone in the backyard. She camtalks and questions why she just entered into a F3 with Monte and Turner. She’s worried she’s just relegated to third place.
8:45 AM BBT – Taylor is still alone in the backyard. She’s going over dates and events.
9:45 AM BBT – Taylor remains in the hammock and continues studying.
11:00 AM BBT – Britney is out in the backyard. Taylor is napping in the hammock.
1:15 PM BBT – HGs lounging by the pool and chatting.
2:00 PM BBT – Turner is already pitching to Monte that they should consider keeping Alyssa because she’s an easier competitor.
2:45 PM BBT – Brittany asks Monte if she and Taylor can chat with him. He says to get him when Taylor is back awake.
4:55 PM BBT – Brittany grabs Taylor so they can go talk with Monte.
5:05 PM BBT – Brittany tells Monte (Taylor is also there) that if he renoms Turner they can vote him out and then it’s the three of them against Alyssa. She promises they’d keep him over Alyssa next round.
5:15 PM BBT – Alyssa is hanging out alone in the backyard while Brittany & Taylor (mostly Brittany) continues to campaign for flipping things against Turner. (It ain’t gonna happen.) Alyssa comes up to HOH but Monte asks her for a few minutes.
5:25 PM BBT – Monte is letting them know he isn’t tempted to switch the plan and sounds like he’s going to keep Turner. (Yep) Monte lets Brittany know he felt like she was threatening him yesterday with the discussion that they’d keep it in consideration next round that he went with them and renom’d Turner this time.
5:35 PM BBT – Monte goes back to the Kyle reveal and questions why they held onto the information. Brittany says there kept being things that made the timing bad to try and reveal what they knew.
5:55 PM BBT – The debate continues as Brittany is trying to explain why they took so long to share what they knew. She felt no matter when they would tell everyone it would be suspicious.
6:15 PM BBT – Alyssa is outside enjoying the sky views. She admits there are probably discussions going on inside about her right now, but that’s okay.
6:20 PM BBT – Monte going back to feeling that Brittany made a threat against him yesterday when she said if he didn’t renom Turner then next week she’d have to go against him (M).
6:35 PM BBT – Brittany tells Monte she’s said everything she can and if she said more it would just sound like excuses at this point.
6:55 PM BBT – The Britney and Monte debate ends with Brittany in tears saying she didn’t realize she had lost everyone when Michael left.
7:00 PM BBT – Taylor stayed behind with Monte and says she trusts both of them and had hoped she could bridge that but couldn’t. Taylor says she wishes he (M) would trust her and he says Turner is there for him too. Monte wants to make sure it’s the three of them with Turner surviving next week.
7:25 PM BBT – Alyssa’s turn with Monte. He’s telling her about his conversation with Brittany. He says he won’t put up Turner, too tempting to the vote, so Taylor will be up against her. Alyssa sees it’ll probably be a split vote and asks if Monte will consider keeping her. He says yes, he’s still deciding.
7:45 PM BBT – Turner with Monte now. Monte updates Turner on the long talk with Brittany. He says Brittany was pushing for his renom and Taylor was mostly just listening.
8:40 PM BBT – HGs gathered and chatting about life back home, dating, etc.
9:30 PM BBT – More talk continues about life back home, growing up, and dating types.
10:10 PM BBT – Brittany calls it a night and heads inside leaving the other HGs there.
10:20 PM BBT – Alyssa says she doesn’t think she’ll date Kyle outside the house. She wonders if they were really a showmance.
10:50 PM BBT – Brittany camtalking about the decisions she’s made in the game and how she would have targeted Turner this week if she won HOH.
11:00 PM BBT – HGs still outside together and rehashing past events of the season.
11:20 PM BBT – Turner tells Alyssa he doesn’t associate her with what Kyle did and he still doesn’t want to have anything to do with Kyle after this season.
11:50 PM BBT – HGs made snacks and are back out to enjoy the yard.
12:40 AM BBT – Taylor and Turner discuss that it’s sad to be sending Alyssa out this week.
1:30 AM BBT – General chatter continues about past comps, life back home, etc.
2:15 AM BBT – Monte offering a sleepover for everyone to come up to his HOH room.
3:05 AM BBT – Alyssa and Taylor settling in with Monte in the HOH room. Turner joins them and gets the couch.
3:35 AM BBT – Turner makes his way over to the bed and all four are squished in. They continue a little more chatter before falling asleep.
No shifts on Sunday for the Veto meeting plan. Brittany made her pitch and it fell flat. Taylor doesn’t want to rock that boat either now that she has her F3 with Turner and Monte. Brittany will still use the Veto of course and it’ll be Taylor going up against Alyssa. It’ll all come down to the HOH and Veto next round.
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