Professional Tool Reviews for Pros
Makita showed off their latest innovation in Las Vegas in one of the biggest shows of the year. Figuring out which tools make the top of the list is tough, but we’re up for the task. Here are our picks for the best Makita tools at World of Concret
Starting five years ago, the NFL wrongfully colluded against Colin Kaepernick. Five years of collusion later, the NFL has won.
It’s over for Colin Kaepernick. There’s no way that any team will sign him at this point, not after he has gone half of a decade without playing football of
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In an article recently published in the journal Optical Materials, the researchers presented the utility of the double metal cladding waveguide techni
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A worm with jaws that contain unusually large amounts of copper relies on a single protein to build its fangs
Left: a bloodworm’s fangs; right: Scanning electron microscope image of a single fang Matter/Wonderly et. al.
The AssaultBike Elite has excellent build quality, tracks stats accurately and provides an insanely intense workout
The self-powered AssualtBike Elite combines outstanding build quality with challenging workouts to create the ultimate air bike. Love to sweat when you work out? Give this is using a security service for protection against online attacks. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website.
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Shifting immigration patterns and an aging workforce have created an ‘existential crisis’ at legacy dim sum restaurants
Any kitchen work is physically taxing, but dim sum in particular requires fine handiwork and nimble fingers. The caliber of a dim sum chef is often judged by their
Whether you’re a fashion designer for a local boutique or an at-home hobbyist who enjoys crafting headbands and scarves, you may be thinking about purchasing a serger machine. Let’s face it, we’re all busy in our everyday lives and don’t want to waste too much time on slow, tedious wor