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For Rory McIlroy, Harry Diamond is both friend *and* caddie.
BROOKLINE, Mass. — “Why don’t you just play out here?”
Those were the words from caddie Harry Diamond, spoken lightly and polite
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Police were called to the scene at 10.50am this morning
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A nan found what she thought was a grenade in a fireplace while helping her son to renovate a flat.
Police were called out at 10.50am this morning after they received re
SHEBOYGAN - An emission control device on vehicles has become a prime target for thieves nationwide, including in Sheboygan.
Sheboygan police on Monday said in a news release that thefts of catalytic converters are on the rise in the city.
The device is part of a vehicle's exha
Every day, Bogotá, Colombia, generates approximately 740 tons of plastic waste that could take 300 years to disintegrate. Thankfully, a Colombian startup is recycling waste plastic into a construction material to mitigate these negative environmental issues. Fernando Llanos and architect Osca is using a security service for protection against online attacks. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website.
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June 23, 2022 | By Josh Wussow
Origin Handcrafted is pushing to launch a knife unlike any other. In hopes this Kickstarter reaches its goal, we put its Utility Knife to the grindstone to see how it performs.
Let’s cut to the chase, as this is a li
Who took it? Where has it been this whole time? And how did it end up attached to a fence near my house?
I have spent the better part of a day now trying to fill in the gaps, but they’re big gaps and impossible to fill. Nearly three years of gap. I am specifically intrigued by the very
D-Wave Systems has put its next-generation Advantage2 quantum computer into the cloud, or at least some form of it.
This experimental machine will be accessible from D-Wave's Leap online service, we're told. We first learned of the experimental system last year when the biz revealed its